contact us

Give us a Call, or send us a message below.


OFFICE PHONE: 803-789-0041


3458 Ernandez Rd ( State Rd 426)
Richburg SC 29729

Hours Available: 

Mon-Fri 8:00am-5:00pm, Saturday 8:00am-12:00pm


We accept Cash, Credit/Debit Card (+3%), Cashiers Check, Bank Wire, PayPal, Zelle, Venmo, Cash App, and Apple Pay. We do not take personal or business checks

Terms and Conditions:

All equipment is sold as is unless otherwise noted. All Sales are Final. All Items sold are considered non-refundable. All Items labeled as Import are sold without warranty or parts support. We do not guarantee the year model, hours, or mileage on equipment- we provide the best information we have.

A nonrefundable deposit proportionate to price of item will hold any item we sell for 5 business days


send us a message

Have a question about a piece of equipment or our sales process? Submit your message below and we’ll be in touch shortly.